Túlio Starling



Túlio Starling began studying theater in 2003 in Belo Horizonte and graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Performing Arts from the University of Brasília in 2015. Since 2005, he worked for twelve years with various theater creators and filmmakers from the Federal District, where he co-founded the Amacaca Theatrical Group - ATA.

Some of his theater works from this period include the plays "Wergba" (2006, Dir. Similião Aurélio); "Cosme trepado" (2010, Dir. James Fensterseifer); "Ensaio Geral" (2012, Dir. Hugo Rodas and ATA); and "Desbunde" (2015, Dir. Juliana Drummond and Abaetê Queiroz), for which he was awarded Best Actor at the SESC Candango Theater Award. Since 2017, the actor has been part of the Uzyna Uzona Theater-Workshop, the longest-running theater company in the country, with almost 65 years of existence. In this company, he has performed in the plays "Bacantes" (2017), "Macumba Antropófaga" (2017), "O Rei da Vela" (2017-2018), "Roda Viva" (2018-2020), and "Mutação da Apoteose" (2023).

On television, he participated in the first phase of the soap opera "Pantanal" (2022, TV Globo), which was nominated for the International Emmy for Best Telenovela; and he is one of the protagonists of the upcoming six o'clock soap opera on the same network, "No Rancho Fundo" (2024).

In cinemas, he made his debut in feature films with "Faroeste Caboclo" (2013, Dir. René Sampaio), starred in the film "Campus Santo" (2015, Dir. Márcio Curi), and stood out in "Anna" (2019, Dir. Heitor Dhalia), premiered at the 21st Rio Film Festival. He is also in "A porta ao lado" (2022, Dir. Julia Rezende) and "O pastor e o guerrilheiro" (2022, Dir. José Eduardo Belmonte), both having been showcased at major festivals in the country.

The short film "Água Doce" (Dir. Antonio Miano) is circulating in international film festivals, having been selected by festivals in Norway, Austria, Australia, and Germany.

On streaming platforms, he appears in Globoplay series such as "Feras" (2019), "Hit Parade" (2021), "Vicky e a musa" (2023-2024), and, on Star+, he debuted in the series "Dois Tempos" (2023). For 2024, the premiere of "Justiça 2" is scheduled, also on Globoplay, and the second season of "Lama dos Dias" will premiere on Canal Brasil.

+ complete resume

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