Pedro Coutinho

Director and Screenwriter


With a master’s degree in Cinema at Columbia University (NY), Pedro Coutinho launched in 2018 Todas As Razões Para Esquecer, his first feature as a director and screenwriter, nominated for Best Comedy in the Film Grand Prix. His two short films O Nome do Gato and O Jogo were selected for more than 60 festivals and awarded in several countries. He also directed the second season of the television series Elmiro Miranda Show (TBS), nominated for the Monet Award for Best Comedy Program by Subscription. He also runs several advertising projects.

As a screenwriter, he wrote the pilot and was head-writer of the Eu, Ela e 1 Milhão de Seguidores (Multishow) series. He participated in the series Meu Passado Me Condena and developed series for Fox and Globoplay. He collaborated on the screenplay for O Homem Perfeito, directed by Marcus Baldini. He wrote and directed (remotely), alongside Eduardo Battiston, the short Call for the Maria da Penha Institute and directed one of the five independent episodes of the series 5x Comédia (Amazon). He was in the creative centers of the producers O2 Filmes and Damasco Filmes and recently, his screenplay Caranguejo Rei was selected for the laboratory Cine Qua Non in Mexico.

+ complete resume

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