Marina Provenzzano



Marina is an actress, performer and playwright. With a degree in Cinema from PUC-RIO, she attended the German School, where she took her first theater classes from the age of 10. At the age of 14, she joined the School of Theater Improvisation, O Tablado, in Rio de Janeiro. She joined the theater company Foguetes Maravilhas (2011) and did an internship at the Wooster Group (2013), a theater company in New York.

She made her film debut in "A Frente Fria que a Chuva Traz" (2015, directed by Neville D'Almeida) and also acted in "Legalize Já: Amizade Nunca Morre' (2017, directed by João Araújo and Gustavo Bonafé), 'Mormaço' (2018, directed by Marina Meliande), 'O Grande Circo Místico' (2018, directed by Carlos Diegues), 'La Situación' (2023, directed by Jean Michel Cerf and Tomas Portella) and Aumenta que é Rock'n'Roll (2024, directed by Tomas Portella). He is in the cast of feature films scheduled for release in 2024, such as "Malu" (directed by Pedro Freire), "As Vitrines" (directed by Flávia Castro) and "Overman - The Movie" (directed by Tomás Portella).

In series, he has worked on "Grande Família" (2013, Globo), "Só Garotas" (2014, Multishow), "Me Chame de Bruna" (2016, Fox), "Todas as Mulheres do Mundo" (2020, Globo), "Bom Dia, Verônica" (2020, Netflix) and Impuros (2023, Star+).

+ complete resume