Ana Reber

Screenwriter and Writer


Ana Reber is the screenwriter of the films "Depois do Universo" (2022, Netflix) - with over 60 million views - "Uma Quase Dupla" (2018, directed by Marcus Baldini) and "Vitrola" (2013, directed by Charly Braun). She is currently in the final stages of writing her fourth feature, "Amor na Contramão", produced by Casé Filmes, as well as two more feature films that are still under wraps.

She was the creator and head of the series (2019), the first Brazilian comedy on the Warner channel. As a screenwriter, she has participated in several series produced for TV and streaming: "Natália" (2011, Universal Channel), "Sítio do Picapau Amarelo" (2012, Cartoon Network), "Sessão de Terapia" (2013, 2014 and 2021; GNT and Globoplay), "De Volta pra Pista" (2013, Multishow), "Rua Augusta" (2017, TNT), "Eu, Você e um Milhão de Seguidores" (2017, Multishow) and "Maldivas" (2022, Netflix).

In addition to her audiovisual work, she is the author of two children's books: "Wanderléia - A Princesa que Queria ser Plebéia" (2009, Editora Bispo) and "Joana e Maneco" (2013, Geração Editorial).

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