


Adanilo is an actor, playwright, and director of indigenous and Manauara origin. In Manaus, he was a co-founder of Artrupe Produções, where he developed films, plays, and various cultural events, participating in local and national calls for submissions and festivals. He performed with the groups Apareceu a Margarida, Grupo Origem, and Cês em Cena. In Rio de Janeiro, he contributed to the creation of Companhia Casa 407, exploring the language of clowning and street theater, and founded Teatro Galeroso, a group that investigates performing arts and audiovisuals from a peripheral decolonial Amazonian perspective.

Adanilo was one of the protagonists in the film "Noites Alienígenas" (2023, Dir. Sérgio de Carvalho) and appeared in the feature films "Rio do Desejo" (2023, Dir. Sérgio Machado), "Marighella" (2021, Dir. Wagner Moura), "Eureka" (2021, Dir. Lisandro Alonso). He will soon be featured in the films "Oeste Outra Vez" (Dir. Erico Rassi) and "Ricos de Amor 2" (Netflix, Dir. Bruno Garotti), both yet to be released.

He participated in the series "Cidade Invisível" (2023, Netflix), "DOM" (2023, Amazon), and the second season of "Segunda Chamada" (2021, Globo), as well as the soap opera "Renascer" (2024, Globo).

As a director, Adanilo has directed shorts such as "Castanho" (2023), "521 Anos | Siia Ara" (2021), and the plays "Bicho Doido" (2017) and "Primeiro Quarto" (2014). As a playwright, Adanilo has released texts in the books "Outras Dramaturgias" and "Amazonas Dramaturgias" and was awarded in the Young Playwrights contest by SESC, publishing the book of his play "Bicho Doido".

+ complete resume