Adalberto Neto

Screenwriter and Playwright


Journalist, he made a strong entry into dramaturgy in 2019 with the play "Oboró – Masculinidades Negras" which portrayed the possibilities of experiences and achievements of black men that traditional dramaturgy and media often overlook. His debut work as an author was honored with one of the highest recognitions in Brazilian theater: the Shell Award for Best Playwriting in 2020.

From there, opportunities as a screenwriter began to emerge. He worked on the last two seasons of "Espelho" (2020-21, Canal Brasil) hosted by Lázaro Ramos; the debut season of "Uma senhora panela" (2023, GNT) a show that combines cooking and axé music, hosted by Mãe Carmem Virgínia; and he was part of the writing team for the New Year's special "Feliz Ano Novo... de Novo" (2023, Prime Video) created by Lázaro Ramos and Ingrid Guimarães.

Co-author of the book "Confinamentos & afins – The Perspective of a Black Man on Resistance and Representation," alongside Rodrigo França, published by Agir publishers in 2020, he is a highly respected voice in the anti-racist struggle. His digital activism, with videos garnering millions of views on his social media accounts, has earned him three awards in 2022: Nosso Orgulho (Our Pride) in the Web Content Creation category; Ubuntu in the Digital Influence category; and POC Awards, where he was named Communicator of the Year by the Jury.

+ complete resume