Sara Antunes



She is an actress with a bachelor's degree in Philosophy from USP and attended the School of Dramatic Art (EAD/USP). Actress, director and playwright, she has acted in more than 10 feature films, TV series, written 8 plays, directed two short films and been in more than 20 plays. She has acted in Portuguese, French and English in theater and film.

She was one of the founders of Grupo Tablado de Arruar and Grupo XIX de Teatro, both in São Paulo, and has toured Brazil, Portugal, France, England and Cape Verde. She wrote and directed "Voz de Vó" (2023), for which she received the APCA Award for Best Playwright.

She has acted as an actress and playwright in the award-winning plays "Hysteria" (2001), "Hygiene" (2005) and "Arrufos" (2008), with Grupo XIX de Teatro, "Corpos Opacos" (2018, directed by Yara de Novaes) and in her own monologues "Dora" (2021), "Negrinha" (2007, directed by Luiz Fernando Marques) and "Sonhos Para Vestir" (2010, directed by Vera Holtz).

In theater, she also acted in the play "Anjo de Pedra" (2022, directed by Nelson Baskerville), where she was nominated for Best Actress by the Shell Award and the APCA Award.

Among the main awards she has received are: APCA, Qualidade Brasil, Nascente/USP. She has been nominated for the Shell Award for Best Actress, the APCA Award for Best Actress, the APCA Award for the creation of Dora, the Shell Award together with Grupo XIX de Teatro, Best Supporting Actress at the Rio Festival and the Gramado Festival and the award for Best Actress in Theater by Questão de Crítica.

She has appeared in more than 10 short films and 10 feature films, including: "Agreste" (2010, directed by Paula Maria Gaitán), "Primeiro dia de um Ano Qualquer" (2012, directed by Domingos Oliveira), "As Horas Vulgares" (2011, directed by Rodrigo de Oliveira), "Se Deus Vier que Vem Armado" (2013, directed by Luis Dantas), "Se Deus Vier que Vem Armado" (2013, directed by Luis Dantas). Luis Dantas), "Cada dia uma Vida Inteira" (2014, directed by Cris Azzi), "Alma Clandestina" (2018, directed by José Barahona), "Deslembro" (2019) and "As Vitrines" (to be released), both by Flavia Castro; "Êxtase" (2020, directed by Moara Passoni) and "Desterro" (2020, directed by Maria Clara Escobar).

On television, he acted in the series "Segunda Chamada" (2019), "Todas As Mulheres do Mundo" (2020), "Nada Será Como Antes" (2016), all for Rede Globo. She also starred in the series "Colapso", which is yet to be released.

+ complete resume

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