Monica Iozzi

Actress and Presenter


Monica Iozzi is an actress and presenter. She graduated in Performing Arts (2005) from Unicamp and began her career in the Experimental Center of SESI and worked with Japanese theater at the company Os Satyros. She was a journalist reporter on "CQC" (Band, 2009-2013), presenter of "Vídeo Show" (Globo, 2015-2016), and "Fale Mais Sobre Isso, Iozzi" (Canal Brasil, 2022).

As an actress, she appeared in Globo's soap operas "A Dona do Pedaço" (2019), "Alto Astral" (2014), and was the protagonist of the series "Vade Retro" (Globo, 2017). In 2023, she starred in the series "Novela" (2021) on Amazon Prime Video.

In cinema, she starred in the films “Mar de Dentro” (2020, Dir. Dainara Toffoli), "Turma da Mônica: Lições" (2021, Dir. Daniel Rezende), "Turma da Mônica - Laços" (2019, Dir. Daniel Rezende), "Mulheres Alteradas" (2018, Dir. Luis Pinheiro), "A Comédia Divina" (2018, Dir. Toni Venturi), and "Superpai" (2015, Dir. Pedro Amorim).

She also provided the voice for the film "Zootopia" (2016, Dir. Byron Howard and Rich Moore) and performed a dramatic reading of the book "Depois a Louca Sou Eu" on the program "Palavras em Série" (GNT, 2018).

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