Gustavo Pinheiro



Gustavo Pinheiro is a screenwriter.

He wrote the feature films "Arcanos", "A Tropa", "Em nome da mãe" and "M.A.C.H.O.'", all in development at the production company Fafá Filmes; and the short film "A Lista" (2020, Dir. Luciana Oliveira), starring Lilia Cabral and Giulia Bertolli, which won awards at the international festivals SFAAF - South Film and Arts Academy Festival and Avanca Film Festival and was nominated at the international festivals Short to the Point, MEDFF, Burbank International Film Festival and Inffinito Brazilian Film Festival of Miami.

On television, Gustavo was the scriptwriter for the series "Companhias do Teatro Brasileiro" (2023, Canal Curta), "Reunião de Pais" (due to be filmed in 2022) and "Lavando a Alma" (2020, Canal Mais Globosat).

In theater, he produced the play "A Tropa" (2017), winner of the 7th edition of the CCBB's "Seleção Brasil em Cena" competition, and the reading of the text "Castelo de Areia" (2016) in the reading cycle Todas as Nites São de Sonho, directed by Victor Garcia Peralta.

He was the author and producer of the play "Alair" (2017) and author of the plays "Os Impostores" (2019, directed by Rodrigo Portella), "Relâmpago Cifrado" (2019, directed by Leonardo Netto), "Romeu e Julieta (e Rosalina)" (2020, directed by Fernando Philbert), "A Lista" (2021, directed by Guilherme Piva).

He is also the author of the plays "Antes do ano que vem" (2022, directed by Lázaro Ramo) and translated the play "Três Mulheres Altas" (2022, directed by Fernando Philbert).

As well as being a screenwriter, Gustavo has already published two books: "A Tropa" (2018, Editora Cobogó) and "O menino que nunca sorriu e outras histórias reais" (2019, Editora Máquina de Livros).

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