Leonardo Moreira

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Feature Films

  • 45 do Segundo Tempo | to be released | Directed by Luiz Villaça | Screenwriter

  • De Onde eu te vejo | 2016 | Directed by Luiz Villaça | Screenwriter

  • Script collaboration in films: Cordilheira | (Biônica Filmes); Fora da Curva (Mira Filmes); A porta ao lado (Morena Filmes); Primavera de um Espelho Partido (Café Royal Filmes)


Soap Operas

  • Um Lugar ao Sol | 2021 | Globo | Author

Series e Miniseries

  • Jogo da Memória | to be released | Globo | Author

  • Coisa Mais Linda | 1 season | 2019 | Netflix | Screenwriter

  • Vizinhos – 1st season | 2015 | GNT | Creator and headwriter

  • 3 Teresas – 1st and 2nd season | 2013–14 | GNT | Creator and headwriter


  • Paredes de Cristal | 2020 | Guadalajara, México | Creator and director

  • Odisseia | 2018 | Director and playwright

  • Quarto 19 | 2017 | Director

  • Amadores | 2016 | Director and playwright

  • Wiosna | 2016 | Director and playwright

  • Del Lugar donde estoy ya me fui | 2014 | Creator, playwright and director

  • 2 Ficções | 2014 | Director and playwright

  • Prometheus | 2012 | Playwright

  • Ficção | 2012 | Director and playwright

  • O Silêncio Antes da Chuva | 2011 | Director

  • O Jardim | 2011 | Director and playwright

  • Escuro | 2009 | Director and playwright

  • Cachorro Morto | 2008 | Director and playwright


  • Nominated to Prêmio Shell de Inovação | 2018 | Odisseia

  • Voted one of the best shows of the year by Folha de São Paulo | 2018 | Odisseia

  • Best show of the year by the Dutch magazine Theaterkant | 2018 | Odisseia

  • Nominated to Prêmio Shell | 2017 | Quarto 19

  • Nominated to Prêmio APTR | 2017 | Quarto 19

  • Nominated to Prêmio Cesgranrio | 2017 | Quarto 19

  • Nominated to Prêmio APCA of Best Direction | 2016 | Amadores

  • Best show of 2016 by Veja Magazine | 2016 | Amadores

  • Award Best Script to TV series at Prêmio Telas | 2015 | Vizinhos

  • Nominated to Prêmio APCA of Best TV Series | 2013 | 3 Teresas

  • Nominated to Prêmio Shell of Best Author | 2012 | Prometheus

  • Nominated to Prêmio CPT of Best Author | 2012 | Prometheus

  • Nominated to Prêmio Shell in categories Director, Actor and Actress | 2012 | Ficção

  • Nominated to Prêmio Shell of Best Director, Scenery and Dramaturgy | 2011 | O Silêncio Antes da Chuva

  • 19 nominations among the most prestigious Brazilian awards | 2011 | O Jardim

  • Prêmio Shell in category of Best Author | 2011 | O Jardim

  • Prêmio Governador do Estado of Best Show of the year | 2011 | O Jardim

  • Prêmio APCA of Best Direction | 2011 | O Jardim

  • Prêmio CPT of Best Author and Best Show | 2011 | O Jardim

  • Best theatrical show of the last 15 years by several critics and journalists, including the New York Times | 2011 | O Jardim

  • Prêmio Shell in categories Best Author, Best Scenery and Best Costume | 2009 | Escuro

  • Nominated to Prêmio Shell in category Best Direction | 2009 | Escuro

  • Nomination for two FEMSA Awards for Best Show and Best Scenery | 2008 | Cachorro Morto

His works have performed in several countries, including the USA (Kennedy Center, Washington and Under the Radar Festival, New York – chosen by The New York Times as the highlight of the Festival); Germany (HAU Berlin; Mousonturm Frankfurt; Theatreform Dusseldorf; Theater der Welt, Mannheim); Netherlands; Greece; Poland (in partnership with Teatr Studio, from Warsaw); Belgium; Romania; Chile; Mexico; Colombia; Argentina and Austria (Wiener Festwochen).

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