Welket Bungué



Welket Bungué is a transdisciplinary artist of Balanta ethnicity. He is Guinean-Portuguese and was born in Guinea-Bissau (Xitole region) on February 7, 1988. He lives in Berlin, but works internationally. He is co-founder of the production company KUSSA, does voice-overs for international organizations, develops Dramatic Writing, Screenwriting, Performances and Theatre.

He has a degree in Acting (ESTC/Lisbon) and a post-graduate degree in Performance (UniRio/RJ). He has been a permanent member of the Portuguese Film Academy since 2015, a member of the Deutsche Filmakademie since 2020, an associate member of the European Film Academy since 2021, and since 2021 his films have been part of the collection of the Arsenal - Institute for Film and Video Art (Berlin).

His films have been shown internationally at numerous film festivals such as Berlinale, ABFF (USA), Africlap (France), Zanzibar Intl. Film Fest, Afrikamera (Berlin), BFI London and Sheffield DocFest (UK), IndieLisboa, DocLisboa, Fest. Intl. de Cinema do Rio de Janeiro and the Stockholm Dansfilmfestival.

Welket directed the short films ''Calling Cabral'' (2022), ''Mudança'' (2020), ''Intervenção Jah'' (2019), ''Eu Não Sou Pilatus'' (2019), ''Arriaga'' (2019), ''Bastien'' (2016), among others, totaling more than 25 films as a creator.

In 2019 he was awarded the Angela Award - On The Move at the Subtitle Festival in Kilkenny, Ireland. In 2020 Welket stars in ''Berlin Alexanderplatz'' (Comp. Intl. Berlinale 2020), directed by Burhan Qurbani, in which his performance earned him a Silver Bear nomination, a nomination for Best Leading Actor at the German Film Academy's LOLA awards (Deutscher Filmpreis), as well as the Aluminum Horse award for Best Actor at the Stockholm International Film Festival.

In June 2022 Welket released his first book ''Peripheral Body'' on the Amazon platform, an autobiographical essay on auteur filmmaking based on the homonymous concept of cinema of self-representation.

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