Tati Bernardi

Writer and Screenwriter


Tati Bernardi holds a degree in Advertising and Marketing from Mackenzie University. In addition to advertising, she is a literary writer with four books published, such as: Você Nunca Mais Vai Ficar Sozinha, Homem-objeto, A mulher que não prestava, Tô com vontade de alguma coisa que eu não sei o que é, and the best-seller Depois a Louca Sou Eu, which was adapted for a feature Directed by Julia Rezende. She is a columnist for the section É coisa fina of Folha de São Paulo and has several successful podcasts such as Calcinha Larga, Meu Inconsciente Coletivo, and Quem lê tanta notícia.

Tati continued her studies in cinema through graduate courses in the areas of screenwriting and cinema, and worked for many years as an advertising writer. In the cinema, she acted as a screenwriter for the feature films Qualquer Gato Vira-Lata, Meu Passado Me Condena 1 and 2 and O Homem Perfeito. On television, she collaborated on the program Amor e Sexo (Globo), the soap operas A Vida da Gente (Globo) and Sangue Bom (Globo) and the series Dicas de um Sedutor (Globo), Aline (Globo), O Homem da Sua Vida (HBO) and Filhos da Pátria (Globo) and was a screenwriter for the series  Eu, Ela e Um Milhão de Seguidores (Multishow), De Volta Pra Pista (Multishow) and Meu Passado Me Condena (Multishow).

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