Matheus Macena



Matheus Macena is an actor, dancer, singer, and playwright with a degree in Performing Arts from Unirio. He starred in the play "Caranguejo Overdrive" (2015, Dir. Marco Andre Nunes), produced by the Rio-based Aquela Cia, and was nominated for Best Actor at the Cesgranrio, APTR, and Shell awards. Also with Aquela Cia., Macena appeared in the play "Guanabara Canibal" (2017, Dir. Marco Andre Nunes), nominated in 5 and 3 categories at the Cesgranrio and APTR awards, respectively.

He participated in "The Watermill Program" and, alongside Bob Wilson and Naufus Ramirez, developed the play "Cleaning the Internal Forest" (2019) in New York City (USA). He was part of the cast of the play "Encantado" (2021), which premiered at the Theatre National de Chaillot - Paris (FR). Recently, he was part of the cast of the play "Musical Pré Fabricado" (2023, Dir. Michel Mellamed), for which he received the Shell award for Best Actor.

In cinema, Matheus Macena appeared in the films "Carne Fresca" (Dir. Giovani Barros), "Baleia" (Dir. Felipe Bragança and Marina Meliande), and "Um Animal Amarelo" (2020, Dir. Felipe Bragança), which screened at the Rotterdam (NL), IndieLisboa (PT), and Toulouse (FR) festivals, and won "Best Screenplay," "Best Feature Film," "Best Actress," and "Best Art Direction" at the 2020 Gramado Festival (BR). Additionally, Macena was part of the cast of the film "Transe" (2022), directed by Carolina Jabor and Anne Pinheiro Guimarães.

On television and streaming platforms, Macena is part of the cast of "Guerreiros do Sol," a Globo production to be released, and the series "Desjuntados" (2022), on Amazon Prime.

+ complete resume