Lusa Silvestre

Screenwriter and Writer


Lusa Silvestre is a screenwriter. He initially worked as an advertising copywriter and creative director for major brands and companies, combining advertising with audiovisuals.

In 2007 he released his first feature film "Estômago" (directed by Marcos Jorge), adapted from his book "Pólvora, Gorgonzola e Alecrim" (2005), which won several awards abroad and in Brazil. The Brazilian Film Academy awarded him Best Film, Best Director, Best Original Screenplay, Best Audience Film and Best Supporting Actor. He has won Best Screenplay at other festivals such as the Brazilian Cinema Grand Prix, the Guarani Brazilian Cinema Prize and the ACIE Cinema Prize.

He wrote the feature films "Mundo Cão" (2016), another partnership with Marcos Jorge; "O Roubo da Taça" (2016), winner of the Best Screenplay award at the Gramado Film Festival; and "A Glória e a Graça" (2017), directed by Flávio Ramos Tambellini, winner of Best Original Screenplay at the Brazilian Film Grand Prix, Los Angeles Brazilian Film Festival and SESC Festival and Best Narrative at the Kashish Mumbai International Film Festival.

In 2021 he adapted the award-winning book "The Silence of the Rain" for the screen, directed by Daniel Filho, and wrote the feature "Provisional Measure" with Lázaro Ramos, which won Best Screenplay at the Indie Memphis Film Festival.

He has written scripts for several films and series for channels and platforms, including "Who Killed Celso Daniel?" and "The Hijacking of Flight 375" (2024). He is currently writing some feature films.

+ complete resume

Lucas Barros