João Jardim

Director and Screenwriter


João Jardim is a director and screenwriter. His latest feature film "Atravessa a Vida" (2020), released in multiplatform format, shows the quest of teenagers for higher education. The educational issue was also the subject of the film "Pro Dia Nascer Feliz" (2015). On television, João has directed and produced five series on the GNT channel, available on streaming: "Vítimas Digitais" (2019), "Família é Família" (2017), "Amores Livres" (2015), "Compulsão" (2016) and "Liberdade de Gênero" (2016). He also directed the Fantástico series "Nelson Por Ele Mesmo" (2017) and directed four episodes of the series "Por Toda a Minha Vida" between 2006 and 2009.

In theaters, his first feature film, "Getúlio" (2014), was acclaimed by critics and audiences, with more than 500,000 spectators. He directed "Amor?" (2011) and co-directed "Lixo Extraordinário" (2010), an Oscar-nominated Brazilian documentary that won awards at festivals such as Berlin and Sundance. His first feature "Janela da Alma" (2001) is one of the most remarkable Brazilian documentaries, awarded Best Documentary at the São Paulo International Film Festival, among other prizes. João is the director of the new feature film and series, "As Polacas" (Globo, to be released) and the creator and director of a series that is still under wraps.

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