Bárbara Velloso

Director and Screenwriter


Bárbara Velloso is a screenwriter and editor. She studied cinema at UNESA and Screenwriting at NYFA. She started by editing institutional films and conceptualized the DVD for the opera "Alabê de Jerusalém" by Altay Veloso. However, it was in Angola where she established herself as a screenwriter starting in 2011, where she developed documentaries and TV programs for TPA and TVZIMBO.

She was part of the screenwriting team for the Globoplay series "Arcanjo Renegado" (2nd Season) and "A Divisão" (3rd and 4th Seasons). In 2021, she was one of the screenwriters for "Tarã," an original series for Disney+ (to be released), and she joined a writers' room at Amazon, still under wraps (2022/2023). She wrote the screenplay and edited two Angolan documentary feature films, "A Vitória é certa" (2022) and "Langidila, diário de um exílio sem regresso" (2014), focusing on underground movements and Angola's independence. She directed two short films: "Rua Domingos Sávio S/No” and “Coração de Cebola.”

In 2018, she won both the Popular Jury and Technical Jury awards with the feature film "Afrika," which was also selected for the Globo/Flup Black Narratives LAB. She participated in Second Ato (2022), a Netflix acceleration program for black and indigenous screenwriters.

+ complete resume